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As part of international project development, Global Partners Bayern e.V. supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.




Through international project development the association strives to establish measures in the designated regions, which allows the achievement of sustainability goals as well as the protection of the environment:


  • Optimized partnership models for the implementation of projects in the designated regions
  • Promoting productivity growth in agriculture for sustainable food production
  • Expansion and use of renewable energies to fundamentally reduce CO2 emissions
  • Investment in education and training and health for all
  • Strengthening rural areas and reducing inequality
The Global Partners Bayern e.V. confirms the use of the SDG logo including the color wheel and the 17 symbols according to the "Guidelines for the use of the SDG logo, including the colour wheel, and 17 icons" of the United Nations, Department of Public Relations.

SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals

Cooperative Project Philosophy

The definition and implementation of the international projects takes place in cooperation between companies in the designated region and project partners from Bavaria, Germany and Europe.


A project development company (PEG) is usually set up for optimal and sustainable project development. The PEG allows to involve the local stakeholder and companies that ensure sustainable realization and integration in the destination region.


The Global Partners Bayern e.V. looks for companies to pool in a convoy, which together are willing and able to provide the necessary competence and products into the projects.